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Listing Clips/Vids
30/ 39/ 41/ 43/ 48/ 49/ 52/ 53/ 57/ 68/ 76/ 77/ 91/ 99/ 104
Vid on the fascinating Adria leading Oris troops to conquer our galaxy.
Music part of the "Conan the Barbarian" soundtrack movie.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Wheel Of Pain - Basil Poledouris |
26.30 Mo |
2:26 |
Clip - 39 - Les grands maîtres
With this vid, you can see most of the Goau'lds system lords. The music gives a unique special atmosphere to the video (Well must love).
The pace is slow and takes the time to present each of the characters.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Crusade - Immediate Music |
36.60 Mo |
4:09 |
Si à l’époque j’avais pu utiliser un logiciel de montage j’aurais fais quelque chose d’encore meilleur je pense …
M’enfin l’essentiel est là, à savoir un clip rempli d’émotions !
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Prelude - Immediate Music |
26.60 Mo |
3:37 |
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Duel Of Fates - Star Wars Music |
39.80 Mo |
3:27 |
Small focus on Cameron Mitchell’s character with nice music.
It was only my 2nd vid made with the Sony Vegas and therefore there are some approximations on effects.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Fight For Glory - X-Ray Dog |
27.60 Mo |
1:45 |
Stargate Clip - 48 - 1mn45s
envoyé par ppatoc
Make a vid on “gentle” Ford character showed no interest but his bad side inspire me more.
The music and very little demonic rhythmic highlights the character.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Infiltrator - X-Ray Dog |
23.70 Mo |
1:30 |
Stargate Clip - 49 - 1mn30s
envoyé par ppatoc
Difficult to make a vid on the so famous O'Neill character, there are so many strong passages to do sorting and try to choose the best.
This vid has not always the top effects but suitable as a whole.
One positive is good about music and some nice sequences well.
I seem to remember that I make sure to keep a chronological guideline.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Cyberworld - X-Ray Dog |
56 Mo |
3:33 |
Clip - 52 - O'Neill
envoyé par ppatoc
This vid crescendo rises in intensity!
Music is quite warrior and Ronon play to shoot anything moving things.
I have not had trouble finding the inspiration with this character ...
For Ronon Dex’s fans.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Voices Of War - X-Ray Dog |
25.50 Mo |
1:37 |
Stargate Clip - 53 - Ronon
envoyé par ppatoc
Pour les fans du personnage et de Linkin Park.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
In Pieces - Linkin Park |
63.30 Mo |
3:48 |
Clip - 57 - Dr Rodney McKay
envoyé par ppatoc
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Heartbreaker - The Rasmus |
58.10 Mo |
3:41 |
Clip - 68 - Teyla
envoyé par ppatoc
Voici une bonne gallerie de méchants !
Musique un poil techno mais surtout extrêmement speed qui présente tous les « bad guys » de la série SG-1. Beaucoup d’images condensées dans ce clip, ouvrez bien vos yeux !
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Imperial Force - X-Ray Dog |
34.60 Mo |
2:12 |
Clip - 76 - Menaces
envoyé par ppatoc
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Game Of Death - John Barry |
44.70 Mo |
2:50 |
Clip - 77 - Ronon Dex
envoyé par ppatoc
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Roses On My Grave - Papa Roach |
52.10 Mo |
3:16 |
Clip - 91 - Dr Daniel Jackson
envoyé par ppatoc
As soon as I heard this music I thought to do a vid with a villain.
I chose the tortured character of Michael is very charismatic, I tried to show all its facets (Human, Wraith, Hybrid).
The video beginning put us into the atmosphere.
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
Neverquest - Hans Zimmer & Chris Lennertz |
44.20 Mo |
2:46 |
Musique/Music |
Taille/Size |
Durée/Length |
The Vision - X-Ray Dog |
29.50 Mo |
1:53 |
Vala Mal Doran
envoyé par ppatoc
"Stargate" and all related characters and images are the property of MGM
Television Entertainment.